Sunday 8 May 2011

Chicks Galore!

This week my dad bought our first non-beef livestock and got 50 chicks - 25 layers and 25 broilers. We got them as day-olds on Tuesday and when we got them they were so soft and cute! They were so soft, you couldn't even feel them! After seeing the chicks as day-olds and then again yesterday, I was surprised at how quickly they had grown. My uncle was telling me how at the Stampede if you go into the agriculture exhibits to see the chicks they are always only a couple days old because that is when they are the cutest!

This is them at six days old, they're still pretty cute but they are nearly twice the size they were when we got them. The brown ones are the layers and the yellow ones are the broilers.

1 comment:

  1. Baby chicks are just so cute. It has been a long time since the old brooder house was last used. Kind of cool to see it back doing what it was originally built for.
